Phone Numbers
Providence’s Main Number is 913-600-4908
To reach a patient in the hospital, use the prefix 596-and the room number. If you do not know the room number, call the Patient Information Desk at 913-596-4866 and they will assist you.
Below are other helpful phone numbers.
Gift Shop: 913-596-4870
Human Resources: 913-596-4025
Lost/Found: 913-596-4070
Marketing and Communications: 913-596-4872
Providence Operator: 913-600-4908
Patient Accounts: 816-942-4400
Patient Information: 913-596-4866
Registration/Admitting: 913-596-5096
Security: 913-596-4065
Spiritual Care: 913-596-4300
Volunteer Services: 913-596-4195